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Ease your way to Online World

🎁 Gifts? I forgot to include this last time

Hiiiiii, Reader❤️❤️❤️

So my last email, which you can read here in web browser ver.

And I forgot to include this! So I figure why not sending now?

And because I also was diving into Creator Camp membership!!! and omgggg, it has so many templates!!!

And omg, this is like the most affordable $7 I ever spend on "social media" membership.

I mean if you stick with me long enough, you kinda somehow figure by now...that I am someone who dig around different membership, someone might not like this cuz they might think i should focus on something,...or different other reasons, tbh when you dont like a person, you have a million reason NOT to like someone.

For me, I will be honest, I really dont have that much time to actually watch each module and exactly serious saying that I take away something after watch this 45mins training....

I mean it's really really...hard for me to stay watching the screen....and not really do anything else...

I mean I dont mind sticking with my laptop ALL days...

But that is like Im writing emails like these, or switch to another browser to go through bundles, or go to another tabs to do something...

I either finish this task and go right away to do another tasks...

or in the middle of the way, I will be like "oh" I gotta do this...

Anyway, I was really excited this memberships!! along the template alone, you already get back the $7 more than you paid!!!! beside i got this membership when Faith had this birthday event going on, so I also have this a hundred bonus reels and other gifts...

But, because you are on my list, I have something i want to say, but also because there was something going my mind already haha...

In one of the templates was about this 100 quote posts template, and the interested thing is that a long time ago, I got this bundle from a bundle...hahah i know...I dont really know how to put this, but you know what i meant.

this person have a bundle contributed to this bundle, which i forgot which one btw,...

And you know the reels, faceless? bundle digital products things? if you don't know Im kinda refer to like Simply Passive, Inner Bloom, and Priceless Portal.

And most of the time, based on my experience, you kinda get...not really that much? well, I guess Im saying this cuz im not that "super newbie" anymore? I guess.

Anyway, so the bundle i got have this 100 quotes post template...and guess what...?!!

That's right!!! it's actually the same!! except the font was different, but the rest pretty much the same...or maybe im wrong...

But that's NOT MY POINT.

hahah I know...Im saying so much to say that is not my point.

Im not saying copy is wrong or anything like that, but just letting you know, from those 3 I just link above, they are pretty much give you the right to...

So ya...

MY POINT is that: in the future, the trainings, or courses, or anything I deliver to you will be not a road, even though you prob prefer more a specific road to go through, but I prob will include in trainings something like there are so many....and my person would be this...cuz of...that....

And you! in your experience, in your comfort, could choose whatever you like!

I guess depending on whoever you are following, you prob something like "zone of genius", or something based on your zodiac sign, human design,...tapping...I mean seriously there so many ways, the way i prefer or maybe just a way of calling, really, based on my experience, my comfort...cuz I always like to stay in my bubble...but others prob would say like for human design and such, they prob will say, cuz that's how you "design" 😂🤣.

Anyway, off-topic,'s just something on my mind since I woke up...really...that prob in the future, after take away from my trainings, or after reading these emails from me, i hope you will do the business, be a human, be kind,...? i guess. I wouldnt say dont copy...cuz I mean I dont trust who havent done that ever before right?

be thoughtful, be mindful, be kind,'s kinda like a saying in chinese, but Im not sure how to translate it. It's like you can be gay, you can be whatever, whoever you wanna be,...but as long as you don't kill somebody, dont rob somebody, or harm somebody in physically or mentally, everything is fine! hahah

I used to hear something - not sure if you think is this relevant - on insta, people keep debating whethere the short rental income should be a thing, or in short AirBnB,...because this causing other poeple like immigrants or whoever looking for house, is difficult! - or you can said - house shortage - i guess...I was a long time ago...something like this.

And as someone who are looking for house, or place to live in other country, I would say I understand how hard it is to find.

but as someone who are behind of this, property manager, airbnb managers,..whoever it is behind all of this and really something tempting...😂😂😂

So I hope that in future, me, myself included, of course, not just about house, really, but whatever you gonna do, maybe try to think about "pay it forward"? "do good to the earth"...things like that? i know, cliche right...I even never thought myself would say this too....

So off-topic.....

Get your funnel done week!

June 21 - 28

It's free when you sign up btw, totally free. But if you going to get VIP ticket, i just want to say price will be increased after june 24!

PRICE INCREASE ON VIP $19.97 to $29.97: June 24, 2024

And this the membership I was talking about

the super affordable, alot of template you can get after sign up for $7 !!! plus learn everything about social media from Faith!

A huge thank you to my wonderful readers!

Have a best life! a lovely day!


Hello, Uniques

Where Dream Is Achievable

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Ease your way to Online World

Let’s think when you are new to something, it way much easier, less stress, prob even have a better job, a better house, a better relationship... Cant find the right dream job, do you know there's a job for that? Where people would train you and introduce you the top jobs you would like! Need a house? And cant seem to find the perfect dream home? Well, that's the time when we need real estate agent right? So you see, some you called consultant, agent,… but no matter what it is, it’s the same for Hello, Uniques. I want to ease your way to online biz world! I also believe in productivity, mindset, dream that you gotta write it out, put it out even before it work. It gotta out of your head first, in order it to become true, right in front of your eyes!

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